Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Life without the mask

So as it turns out, I am quite a vain person. I don't like people to see me if I don't look my best.

Until recently, I couldnt remember a day that had gone by where I hadn't put my makeup on. I think I started wearing it around the age of 14 and have worn it nearly everyday since. Oh and God forbid anyone see me without it!! haha
I guess it makes me feel like I'm softer on the eye, people find me more attractive and it gives me something to hide behind.

It never occured to me that once upon a time I was happy with the way I looked without a mask of make up on. In fact it didn't occur to me until I caught up with a friend from school that I hadnt seen since year 8(pre makeup days).
When he saw me he hardly even recognised me. He said I looked great but had changed so much since the last time I saw him. It wasn't until a few drinks into the night that he said these exact words "I can't believe how much you have changed, I remember you as the girl with olive skin, long dark hair and not a spec of makeup". This shocked the hell out of me, no one knew me as the girl who never wore makeup! Everyone knew me as the girl who had all the makeup under the sun. You could no longer see my olive skin, I had cut my long dark hair short and wore that much eye makeup that I needed to avoid water or tears at all costs!

After this event I didn't really know how to feel. I wanted more than anything to be able to pull off the natural look, but I had used makeup to change the way I looked so much and for so long I was scared people wouldn't accept me for who I was underneath it all.

A few years down the track and I still hide behind my make up mask. My boyfriend has seen me a couple of times without it, but it's always in dim light and never for long.
To my surprise he encourages me to take it off more often. Why? he likes the way I look without it... WHAT?! I am still struggling to accept that my boyfriend might actually love me for who I am and not the way I look. haha crazy, I know... self vanity can be the death of any realtionship!

I must give give myself a pat on the back or do a happy dance or congratulate myself somehow though. The other week I ventured not only into a well lit room without makeup on but the outside world. I was booked in for a spray tan and had never had my face sprayed because I was to scared to take my makeup off in front of anyone other than me. I figured now was as good a time as any to take a risk. I wiped off my makeup, jumped in my car and drove to the tanning salon. Much to my surprise, no one looked at me differently, no one commented on how horrible I looked, life without the mask wasn't that bad.

Now that night I obviously couldnt put any makeup on as I was waiting for my tan to develop. My boyfriend came home, sat on the couch next to me and as I tried to avoid eye contact with him in fear of him thinking I looked terrible...he looked at me and said "babe, you look really good tonight" I just laughed at him and said how? I wasnt even wearing makeup! he just giggled, called me silly and gave me a hug.

Since then I have tried my hardest to wear even less makeup, one day I might even be able to venture to the super market or the beach without donning my makeup mask.

So I would like to say to all you amazing ladies out there who think you need to hide behind a don't! This world may be superficial, but our inner beauty should always be shining through.


Miss J

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Blogs...a gateway to the soul?

So I have decided to join the world of blogging once again, but what does this really mean for an already opinionated, open minded and somewhat sex crazed girl?
Well I guess it means that you, my fellow bloggers, will be given a free pass into the mind and soul of Miss J.

I do warn you though, my blog may not always be for the faint hearted. I seem to have an opinion on anything and  everything, good or bad, vulger or not.
I guess you could describe me as a happily moody sex craving 20 something who never really talks about how they really feel deep down due to my ability to laugh everything off.
The mystery of how Miss J really feels has always gone unheard....until now I suppose

So it makes me wonder if a blog really is the gateway to ones soul? Does it really have the ability to make people share their most hidden thoughts as some people seem to think...??

I  guess we will see wont we...


Miss J xx