Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Is sex still that taboo?

So the reaction of one of my friend's a while ago got me thinking. Is sex still taboo for most people? Are people still to embarrassed to openly talk about their sex life in normal conversation?

This thought came about a few months ago after having the followingconversation with one of my friends;

Friend: Miss J, why is there a tube of lube on your coffee table?
Miss J: WELL! I can't have sex at the moment because of the issues with my cervix so while *boyfriend* was watching the footy I decided to give him a bit of a rub and one thing led to another and hey presto all of a sudden there was lube all over my boobs and dick in between.
Friend: Wow, ok...
Other friend: *laughing hysterically.
Miss J: Haha well you asked me what it was doing out here so I told you...
Friend: Yeah but I wasn't expecting such detail!
Miss J: Well you know what I'm like, it shouldn't be surprising.
Friend: I will keep that in mind next time.

This friend has never really been one to talk about her sex life which I find odd, as me and my other friend talk about it openly...
Heck I even laugh and talk about it openly with people I have just met, especially when they make it sound like it's something you should be ashamed of.
I just don't understand this taboo that still surrounds sex, I mean cummon people! it's the 21st century!! People have sex and a lot of them enjoy it, don't go putting a downer on it.

I do respect that some people just think that some things should stay private, buuut I guess when it comes down to it I'm not one of those people.

So what do you think? can you talk openly about your sex life? or do you think it's just one of those things that should be kept quiet?

Miss J. xx

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Tequila on a Sunday?

So as of now I can say tequila on a Sunday is NEVER a good idea! Not even if it's Voodoo Tika Tequila and  comes in a really cool bottle with a little glass man inside!! IT'S STILL A BAD IDEA!! Even if your Sunday was spent at the pub with your influencial housemates who also have to work in the morning, it's still a bad idea. Even if the band that were playing do shots with you, it's still a bad idea. Even if it's only 5pm in the afternoon and there is still plenty of time for rest before work tomorrow, it's still a bad idea!

I don't think I really need to explain why...but I will anyway.

You don't do Tequila shots on a Sunday because it's never just one shot, it's never just two shots, it's ALWAYS multiple shots along with other alcoholic beverages to wash the really alcoholic beverage down... and when one consumes to much Tequila, EVERYTHING is a good idea! Everything like jumping on stage with the band, everything like making up our own lyrics, everything like driving home drunk, everything like stumbling to the clubs, everything like drinking more at the clubs, everything like dancing like retards until 3am in the morning at the clubs, everything like going home and having wild sex to the point you think you need a vagina transplant, everything like falling asleep on the loungeroom floor with a beer in your hand.

So today I ask myself "WHY?". Why did I ever think it was a good idea to drink Tequila on a Sunday?

Maybe subconsciously I wanted to put my liver through hell, maybe subconsciously I wanted to feel the burn of second hand Tequila in my throat this morning, maybe subconsciously I wanted a throbbing headache at work and maybe subconsciously i wanted to get my work mates drunk from the fumes that are excreting fromm my pores.... or maybe I am just plain STUPID!!!

Either way, no more Tequila on a Sunday for Miss J.
